Sunday, August 29, 2010


While most of you back in the states are prepping for Danielle and Earl, Okinawa is gearing up for a typhoon!

There is always a typhoon status (ref: title) that goes from TCCOR All Clear to TCCOR 1E. Outside of typhoon season, it is always labeled TCCOR All Clear, while during typhoon season, it is TCCOR 4, which means typhoon wind speeds possible within the next 72 hours. For the first time since we've lived on island, we've been upgraded to TCCOR 3, or typhoon winds possible within the next 48 hours (expected to hit around Tuesday). PS, I have no idea what TCCOR stands for...

See the pink dot with "Kadena' near it? That's Okinawa...pretty much a direct path!

I have no idea what strength this typhoon is, so it might not be serious. I was ahead of the rush at the commissary, though, and stocked up on some supplies. I have plenty of tuna, bread, peanut butter, vienna sausages (haven't had those since I was 4), ravioli, wine (duh), extra propane tank for our camping grill, batteries, and bottled water. I'm totally not worried about it...growing up in a coastal city with parents who grew up in a coastal city, hurricanes just weren't that big of a deal. Serious, but doable. And since everything around here is earthquake- and typhoon-proof, I'm not worried in the least.

I'm really quite jazzed up about the possibility of a typhoon coming our's the closest thing we get to a snow day in the sub-tropics! A few days off would suit me just fine! I have TV shows, Season 1 of Lost on standby, and books and magazines and a painting project to keep me busy if the power goes out.

I'll be a little irritated if it goes on by without being "serious" enough to cancel work, like a couple of weeks when we got sideswiped a couple of weeks ago and last week when we got some residual rain and wind from various tropical storms. In that case, we just have to drive and be out in crazy wind and rain. And my little Toyota Will feels like it will up and blow away when winds get too crazy. (oh, and Zac's car battery is dead, so I can't use his...whoops. Should probably take care of that sometime soon...)

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