Zac is back!!
After about a two month bout on a ship, the ship has sailed...back to Okinawa! Which means Zac is back for good (or until his next deployment)! I cannot tell you how wonderful it is to have him home. The old saying is true...absence DOES make the heart grow fonder!
I was able to meet Zac ON the ship, do some exploring, check out his living conditions for the past few months, have a meal in the wardroom and take some time to catch up. However, after a 3 hour delay, we were both ready to get the heck off that ship!
After living 2 months by myself, I found how much of a transition it is going to be to have Zac BACK home. Plus it was funny to see how much it will take for Zac to reacclimate to Japan. On our way home (in the rain and cold), Zac said, "Oh, I forgot that there are Japanese people all around!" [To which I replied in my head, "Duh, we live in Japan."] But he's just not used to it anymore! Driving on the left side of the road, foreign to him. All of the things that I have taken for granted/gotten used to are totally new to Zac.
On the other hand, I have created this "rose-colored" version of our marriage and of Zac while we've been apart. In reality, we've been living and growing in two different directions for 2 months, so it will definitely take time to get used to it all over again! But no matter, we are savoring every minute together, cleaning and cooking seems fun again (b/c I'm doing it for someone other than myself), and driving to get dinner together is exciting! (We'll see how long all that lasts...;) )
By military standards, this was just a baby deployment. Most overseas deployments are 7-12 months, so the MEU was a good starter deployment for us. It's all about baby steps...
I took plenty of pictures, so as soon as I catch up (on Singapore, our new dog [!], etc...) I'll give you a tour of the ship from civilian eyes. And maybe I can get Zac to write something about his time at sea!
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