I got back from an absolutely fabulous week in Singapore Friday night. After long flights, long layovers, and long delays (including a seemingly pointless fuel stop for a 2-hour flight!), I was back home - yes, Okinawa is finally home. I excitedly reunited with my email and Facebook and finally went to sleep at about 2:30 am, some 20 hours after waking Friday morning...
...Only to be awakened at approximately 5:30 to a 7.0 earthquake!
I've lived in Texas my whole life, conveniently located far from any fault lines, and therefore any earthquakes. I had no idea what to do while feeling the whole building shimmy, especially bleary eyed from 3 hours of sleep and a long week. Was I drunk?....no....dreaming?....no....hallucinating?...maybe. I did the only thing I could think of: brace myself in a doorway. [I'm not sure if that even does anything, but our wonderfully fashionable metal door frames would save me, right?]
I finally went back to sleep, and woke up a few hours later. By then, CNN, the rest of Okinawa, and even Zac's ship had caught wind of the story. That's when I learned it was a 7.0 about 50 miles off the coast of Oki and about 13 miles deep. [Haiti's recent earthquake was about a 7.0, but only about 10 miles off of the coast.] There was a tsunami watch, which has since been cancelled. In my short research, which consisted of watching a 2 min. clip on CNN.com , the depth of the earthquake wasn't enough to shake the ocean floor, which produces the tsunami.
So all is fine. Living in a concrete block has its merits when it comes to typhoons and earthquakes.
AND I had the most wonderful rendezvous with Zac this week. A group of the MEU wives went to Singapore together to meet up with the men at one of their liberty ports. It was such a fantastic week in a fantastic city. And most of all, it was so so so wonderful to spend a few days with the hubs. Distance really does make the heart grow fonder! Much more on the trip plus pictures to come soon!
(PS, see the CNN links for the story on the earthquake! And THIS is some raw video!)
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