Tuesday, January 19, 2010

We interrupt our regularly scheduled programming...

...for a little update on our lives right now.

Since we got back from Hong Kong, Zac has been working crazy hours. He literally has not had a day off since the trip and his average day going from 6-something to 8- or 9-something, although several days have been much later. He is preparing to deploy on a MEU (Marine Expeditionary Unit). You might have heard about Marine Expeditionary Units helping out in Haiti, as of late. He's going on one of those. To paraphrase (the omniscient) Wikipedia, it's basically a ship that floats around for a little while in case someone in the world needs Marines STAT (mostly humanitarian missions). And they stop along every once in a while to sharpen their marine skills. So if a typhoon or tsunami or some other t-word-that-only-happens-in-the-crazy-Pacific hits, they'll be ready to respond. Or if we happen to go to war with Laos all of a sudden, they'll be there.

Now for a little lesson on OPSEC:
OPSEC=operational security. It's a big deal around here. Basically, we have to watch what we say/write/post to the general public.There are some spies or terrorist or bored geeks out there collecting all these little tidbits of information and could possibly stage some kind of coup if I posted that "Boo hoo, I'm going to miss my Zacky-poo because he is leaving at [this time] on [this date]."

This is an actual poster they'd hang around during WWII.

Now you know why I'm paraphrasing Wikipedia. I figure the US Government woulda shut 'er down if there was super secret stuff there, so I can say it too. And I'm sure a few more people go to Wikipedia than this rinky dink blog. (Just a few.) And if I were still in college, I wouldn't be able to use Wikipedia as a reference. One of the benefits of being a college grad.

I always wondered why my sister was so vague when I would ask when her husband was coming home and she would respond "soon" or something. I thought, surely they would let their own wife know when they were coming home...and I'm sure they did. She just couldn't say. Sneaky girl. So I'm glad we've all been enlightened on the subject (not like Buddha).

SO, (point being) as much as I'd like to keep you up-to-date, I can't tell you anything that happens until after it happens. Keep me vigilant too, if you (whoever you are) think I let something slip that I shouldn't have, tell me to take it DOWN.

I'm sure I could write about 3902 more paragraphs, rambling about something silly, so I'll leave it at that.


  1. We are so proud of you and Zac! :) Way to go being an excellent secret keeper!
